Blancodent kit with concentrated powdered toothpaste and an interdental rubber ring.
Blancodent interdental ring in rubber.
Anti traumatic 20 times safer than normal dental floss.
More hygienic, water repellent, it is washed and you can reuse it even many times.
Easier to use. Very handy in your fingers, you rotate it, swarm it and reuse it on the next space.
The first true interdental hygiene.
The interdental ring in Ultralatex Blancodent, is at least 10 times softer than normal dental floss, unlike the classic thread it can be used up to the gum, and between gum and tooth, where many bacteria lurk. This is why it is the first true interdental hygiene. Between gums and tooth the classic thread would cause trauma and gingival bleeding. Instead the used Blancodent interdental constantly tones the gum, the seat of the tooth, which is strengthened and makes the teeth more stable and protected. A tooth protected and clean in all its parts; if the interdental space is not cleaned, the bacteria present at that point can promote tooth decay. Easier to use, it thoroughly cleans thanks to the natural rubber grip.
How to use